The following morning, when he returned home, his wife pointed out a strange mark on his arm. A diamond or honey-cone shaped series of subdermal dots in a grid pattern marked his right upper arm between his bicep and deltoid muscles. No burning, itching, or ache signaled its presence. The dots were not raised nor indented, though the edges of the dots on the outermost sides seemed faded.
I asked Jessie if he has co-workers who have had strange experiences as well while being out on guard. "Yes i do have, but most of them now stay awake all night because of their unusual experiences..." Other guards have reported to one another seeing spectral horses, small children, even an old lady that assaulted one of them. "He thought that it was real..." Jessie explained of his fellow guardsman.
"Can you recall any other dream experiences of this nature, where you feel a presence in the room..." I asked.
He described another vivid dream where he was aware he was dreaming. A male and female were standing nearby in his dream-scape. He told them he was dreaming as he passed by them to return indoors, and pointed to himself snoozing in a chair in the guard house. The couple nodded, and he awoke when his astral self returned inside to his sleeping body.
I am extremely interested in the entities people encounter, so I asked Jessie for further details on the hands and arms he saw grab him. I provided some either/or questions, resulting in the following description. The arms were "pale thin, grayish in color" and translucent. He noticed veins in the wrists, and the fingers were longer and thinner than a humans. His profile of the perpetrator is consistent with the worker Greys that operate primarily at night and invade the psychological space of a person while they sleep. However, if the Introduction to Alien Races book is accurate in at least the reality of numerous races conducting abductions, it is impossible for me to determine which race specifically he encountered. It would provide an excellent piece to the puzzle to identify which race is driving people out of their bodies by inducing panic and fear in the altered state of consciousness where the immediate surroundings remain. Jordon's experiences happen in this same state. My dreaming experiences are primarily in a deeper state of symbol where the physical realm is rarely represented in its entirety and immediacy. I always know I am somewhere else, a deeper realm of all consciousness. The only experiences I had near the surface was my abduction episode, and the night my marks appeared. These beings operate at a stage adjacent to the physical realm and the dreaming realm, in between the two. Victims will feel they are half asleep and half awake.
The Butterfly Preoccupation
Earlier, on the morning his grid marks appeared, around 5am, Jessie noticed a white butterfly with what he is calling 'grid lines' on its wings (associating its veins to the patterned rows of his mark). Four hours later, while visiting his wife's office, he saw the same type of butterfly again. This butterfly is native to his area, but Jessie can't shake the feeling it's following or watching him. His paranoia may be an effect of his dream experience the night before, since he was shaken by the encounter. He says it specifically had four lines on each wing like the one in this image (minus the dots). It's appearance at two different times in the same day was important to him. He saw it again a week later, but it was dead.

Perhaps Jessie felt an awakening in himself reflected by the seasonal appearance of this butterfly. The marks certainly make experiencers more wary and aware, since some mysterious mark on the skin carries the concern that a spiritual entity caused it while you slept. What is most important about the cases I'm seeing is the location of the mark. For me, it was on my hands which we pointed upward and facing outward. For Jordon, it was on the back faced upward and outward. For Jessie, it was on his shoulder, at the opposite end of his body where he was being handled by unknown hands. I stand by my theory that these marks are the exit/entrance sites of the housed consciousness. Jessie's spirit may have panicked out of his body at the shoulder. The size of the mark may also be relevant in determining 'how far' out of the body a person's consciousness expanded, or even how much of their spirit or how quickly it escaped.
In alien research, one idea is very common, the extraction of the soul. Abductees report beings removing their soul, then placing it in a new body. Sometimes they come back miraculously cured from an ailment. Its an ability greatly prized by inter-dimensional beings. The technology to accomplish this is often described as a little black box. Perhaps the same black box as the one supposedly capable of levitating objects, like the stones of the pyramid. Builder of the Coral Castle purported he used magnetism to carve and build the rock garden on his property entirely by himself. Named a Historic National monument in 1984, the secret of its construction died with him. The castle is made without mortar, and is crafted with precision. It stands as a modern testament to the science of construction with raw material for basic amenities like furniture, bath, and shelter. The castle is equipped with a water well, barbeque, telescope, obelisk, and sundial, all out of coral. "'If anyone ever questioned Ed about how he moved the blocks of coral, Ed would only reply that he understood the laws of weight and leverage well." He also stated that he had "discovered the secrets of the pyramids.'" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_Castle and coralcastle.com)
Is the coral castle made with the same technology abductees have seen extract souls? That would suggest the soul has a magnetic quality, and can be detached from the body via magnetism. This has always been interesting to me because my dreams often pointed me toward study into magnetism for a variety of reasons (getting my son a headstart on the subject in his early childhood play, ET craft utilizing it, construction, healing).
Personality Profile
In trying to assemble a data set and hypotheses about if there is any common denominators between the people who have the marks appear on them, I ask a series of questions about who these people are. Here are the correlations his case supports.
Jessie describes himself as a spiritual person who is curious about alien research and cosmology. He enjoys spending time outdoors, as his job demands, and by going to the park with his family (wife and daughter).
My best friend recently started having these types of dots in her arm but they appear and disappear and reappear by her elbow.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has them on her back. I am going to take a picture
ReplyDeleteMy son has the same exact marks on his cheek it appeared on 03/26/2017 around the morning hours he noticed the marks when he woke up and went to the mirror. Same exact thing
ReplyDeleteI have these on my shoulder.I want to find out what it is.
ReplyDeletemy son had this on his eyebrow and im freaking out, i hope he is going to be okay
ReplyDeleteI know it can be disconcerting to find the marks on your child, but I hope to allay your fears by saying we believe the RGMP to have a natural physiological cause due to stress on the body during REM state. Please read our RGMP Dossier (available in the right hand column of this page) for a detailed look at our findings.
DeleteOMG! Today I get in my left shoulder a circle with five little dots. I guess I am nt the only one
ReplyDeleteYou are definitely not alone. We have summarized our research findings in a dossier compilation available in the left hand column of this site if you are interested in learning more.
Deletegood morning, I send you a greeting from Mexico, I appeared these points in the form of a table, nine points, the night of the new year to wake up the first day of January 2018, honestly I do not remember anything just a lapse of time 3 am to 6am, between dreams I remember having gone to the top of my house to observe the moon but I do not understand why it came out and it is very vague I do not remember well what happened; I only remember that at 6:15 am I was already sleeping in my bed
ReplyDeleteTony, you may have experienced an OBE, or out-of-body episode. These are not uncommon in the red grid mark phenomenon. I recommend reading Jordon's case series (find links in Investigations Page at top of this site). If you discovered a grid mark on your body, please read our dossier compilation on the matter. It includes theories and conclusions, statistical analyses of survey data, and photo collections for reference.
Deletei looked so hard to find something similar to what i had on my arm, and this is exactly what was on my arm. but up and down it was a cross, and sideways it was a number 3. i had a dream of medically having surgery getting my ribs pulled out and stuck with an iv repeatedly and woke up with that marking. i had it for 6 days.
ReplyDeleteI've awoken today with 7 pea sized dots arranged as a circle of 6 and one in the centre. I would never have seen it until my wife was curious enough to take a photo of my right buttock and show me. The whole pattern of marks is the size of the circumference of a tennis ball. I don't know if anyone is interested in these markings or even looking at pictures of my bum but I know I would have defiantly of known if I had sat on a object of that shape to cause bruising to this extent.
ReplyDeleteI've awoken today with 7 pea sized dots arranged as a circle of 6 and one in the centre. I would never have seen it until my wife was curious enough to take a photo of my right buttock and show me. The whole pattern of marks is the size of the circumference of a tennis ball. I don't know if anyone is interested in these markings or even looking at pictures of my bum but I know I would have defiantly of known if I had sat on a object of that shape to cause bruising to this extent.
ReplyDeletePhotos of your marks can be sent to me direct for our archives experientialdreamingatgmail.com
DeleteThis is the 3rd time my 10 year old son has got it. The first time was in 2016 and the 2nd and 3rd time in this year 2018 recently yesterday Nov.15 2018. At first i didnt put that much attention because i thought he was getting it from lmplaying in the playground in school or that he was laying on a surface that could of lieft those red circles on his whole back .Today i went to school to get an explanation of how he got it and say that theres nothing in school that could of left those marks. So i came home search for any possible thing that could of done that too and nothing found.I right of way started doing some reseach and came across this so i found out that other people has got them too. Same marcks on his backs and the one of his left shoulder 6 dots around and 1 in the middle...he does not show any discomfert
ReplyDeleteMaya, finding the marks on your son must be disconcerting. Rest assured, we do not have enough evidence to believe any kind of malice is associated with their appearances. Read our dossier to learn more.
DeleteI had this a while ago. I always check back on this site to read other people's stories and happenings because I still am questioning it after a few years has passed. I really believe something actually happened that night. I had a bad dream and I felt burning sensations, hot and sweaty. I woke up to find a large grid of markings on my back perfectly spaced apart in a diagonal manner. Bright red. Nothing could have caused that because I wasn't laying on anything for that to happen! I've never had it before that and I've not had it since but I've seen people have had it a few times now. I woke up in the morning and my partner saw it on my back and asked me what it is. I looked and said I don't know? I never had any pain, itchiness or anything. I went out and came back home. Then my partner asked what I dreamed of and I told him all about my WILD dream involving aliens and heat. He freaked out and said oh my god there's this website and people have the same thing involving the same heat sensations and dreams of aliens! Funny, we all have dreams of aliens and this is what we wake up to right?....
ReplyDeleteYes, we believe intense dreaming and heat are interrelated in the production of these marks. Please read our Dossier to learn more. Our research took a lot of man hours, and the funds from the dossier sales are the only thing supporting further upkeep on new cases and site maintenance.
DeleteAlso, I find it quite amusing that your partner already knew about the site and then you dreamed about the very ingredients. Sounds like you had a telepathic download of sorts from him.
DeleteMy girlfriend notice marks on my back. I have no clue how I got them... no soreness, no itching. But for the past month all I want to do is sleep and eat lol. While I sleep I have wild dreams that feel so real, until I realize it's just a dream after I wake up. I cant remember my dreams tho.... is what scares me...