Feb 16, 2016

Project Announcement: A Compilation Dossier on the RGMP in the Works

We are, and have been for the last two months, working on compiling a complete portfolio/dossier of our grid mark investigation. It will contain our reports, new statistical analyses, archival photos never before released, profiles on us the authors, and my conclusions as I begin to wrap up my time dedicated to researching this phenomenon. This will offer experiencers, both old and new to this phenomenon, all the information we have gathered in one refined and clear work.

We hope to release this final product as a PDF/e-book of sorts (TBD) within the coming months. I estimate we are over half way through.

The survey in the right hand column of this website will continue to always be available for new experiencers to have their occurrences recorded, and I urge anyone who has recently experienced the phenomenon, or is new to this site to please fill out that form. Whatever happens to my investigation team in the coming years as our lives change and our professions change, we want to remain a resource for experiencers. That form, and this dossier will continue to help inform and aid experiencers until a more formalized understanding in the medical world is recognized and studied.

My spare time is being dedicated to this project, therefore I will not be investigating new cases. Experiencers are encouraged to fill out the survey. Please remember, this has been an entirely volunteered effort. We appreciate your patience.

Be strong!