Jan 3, 2014

How Hunger and Fine Tastes are Provided in a Galactic Cooperative

In a Cooperative, near socialist colony run by advanced societies of the galaxy, where hunger would be eliminated for, would those who enjoy finer foods lose that joy because of the necessity of the system to feed everyone. Would finer taste have to be sacrificed in the name of ending starvation? My partner and I are foodies, we enjoy quality foods, appreciate the simplicity of fresh, natural ingredients. It is a connecting point for us when we can discuss food and cook together. The simple pleasure of breaking bread with another.

But in my Abduction experience, a mechanical arm put a tray of slop directly into my belly. I've wondered ever since, if this is what food is like to a society understandably more interested in ensuring everyone is fed. Is slop the result when people are not forced to work the food industry, where only cooks who do enjoy the job remain out of passion?

Some days later, I dreamed an answer I didn't recognize was in response to that dilemma until I described it to my partner some time later.