Oct 20, 2019

Over 400 Cases Recorded in Our Archives

Source: Pixabay

Yet another milestone is upon us. Since starting this investigation in 2012, we've accumulated over 400 cases of the RGMP, not including the nearly 50 found cases around the web that were not directly sent to us. Although it takes us time to respond to each inquiry, we are diligently keeping track of contact dates, photos sent, and case IDs.

Our Instagram account is also branching out and convalescing awareness on this phenomenon. New experiencers are finding us and messaging me about their marks. By alerting other experiencers to our presence (and investigation) in other social media outlets, we reach those we might not have otherwise. People seem most relieved to learn they are not alone in this, that others have experienced the same or similar bizarre episodes and physical manifestations. That has been central to our goal, providing a home for information and collaboration on this subject.

On that note, it is my plan to provide a FORUM space on this site (once I find the right app) where experiencers can chat with one another and find community. Send us your comments below. Keep following us on Instagram #rgmpinvestigation