Jun 19, 2014

New Features Added to Site

You can now subscribe to this site and get alerts when an update is posted.

Our About the Authors widget now includes both Jordon and I with new short descriptions. Jordon will be typing up his first case/post within the month if communications go well. 

Also, I have created a community through Google plus for like minds to connect title 'Spirit Walkers'. Join us to be part of the investigative process. Add your own posts and experiences, discuss topics from this website or anything else relevant you'd like to contribute.

Working with Jordon has granted some reality to an idea I've had of putting together a task force of spirit walkers, people with their own unique spiritual ability to compile information, conduct group investigations for others and themselves within the community, remote view secret locations, and learn things we couldn't otherwise or can't confirm without another perspective. If you would like to be part of this idea, preview our group site here.

Finally, I am adding a new page compiling recommended/favorite posts for readers.

Thank you for reading and maintaining open minds!

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