Mark Location on Body
The following is the first complete cross-comparison of the majority of cases in our archives. Two data sets will be displayed here: 1) the location on the body in which marks have occurred; 2) the location in the world in which cases have come to us reporting mark occurrences.This has been a 6 month long project and will provide us with the first comparative data toward understanding the grid mark phenomenon.
For nearly 4 years my team has been collecting data from over one hundred cases about the grid mark phenomenon. We asked for photos, descriptions of the marks, where they were in the world when the mark appeared, among many other inquiries. Using email correspondence, photos, and answers from our online survey, I have been painstakingly pulling together these two data points from all of our cases. Many holes are left over due to lack of continued communication by those that initially contacted us, and otherwise unavailable data (no photos taken or were lost). I kept a log by case number detailing each of these two categories for each case, circling the ones with missing data, crossing out those that were found to be unrepresentative of this phenomenon (all of which will be represented in my final numbers).
I marked the map and diagram as I learned precise locations. Whenever I found a hole, I strived to re-establish contact with that person specifically for those data points. Sometimes I succeeded to gather the remaining data, sometimes I didn't and am still waiting for their replies. For those holes I did fill, I added the new information to my list and made a mark on the respective diagram or map.
Location on Body Diagram
98 of our cases were used as a sample for this data. An additional 47 found cases were also reviewed, for a total sample size of 145 cases (persons). Of those 98 of our cases, 70 people are represented on the diagram. 26 cases were lacking some information on one of more of their marks (see multiples paragraph below) to be accurately added to the diagram. Of the 47 found cases, only 15 people had sufficient data to be included on the diagram, for a total of 85 people represented in this diagram.
84 grid marks from our cases and 16 from our found cases were clear enough to add a precise location to our diagram, for a total of 100 even precise locations (based on tracking list) represented in the diagram. However, after my process was finally over, there were an additional 17 dots on the diagram I could not account for. These may be duplicates or estimated additions based on those cases that were originally circled on my list to mark as having missing data to accurately map. There are 117 independent grid marks represented on this diagram.
18 cases had multiple marks or recurrences, of which only 13 cases had sufficient data on the precise locations for all sites to be fully represented in the diagram. Some cases with multiple marks had the precise locations of one or two of the sites, but the other(s). 12 (11 from our cases, 1 found case) of 18 cases with multiples had what I call 'mirrored doubles' --this is when the marks appear on either side, symmetrical to the body. Having a mark appear on either hand in the same occurrence, or on both shoulders in the relatively same reflected spot qualified to me as a mirrored double. The 100 precise location total includes each multiple as its actual number; 2 independent marks, regardless if on the same person at the same time, is counted as two marks in that total. Not all mirrored double instances are represented due to lack of information on its precise locations.
4 cases were omitted from our original 98 from failing our verification process. They did not fit the phenomenon's characteristics enough to be included in the data set. That leaves an actual number of 94 cases considered for our data.
I will be using the 117 total grid marks as shown (as dots) on the diagram for this statistical analysis.
Doubles are included in these numbers.
By view, according to the four bodies shown:
22 on the frontside
13 on the sides
82 on the backside
By muscle group/area:
55 on back (from back of shoulders down to just above pelvis)
30 in middle back
14 around left shoulder blade (approximate)
13 around right shoulder blade (approximate)
8 along spine (relative center placed on spine)
5 on back shoulders
4 below ribs (but above pelvis)
13 upper right arm and right shoulder
11 marks on buttocks
10 on upper left arm and left shoulder
9 on head (forehead and chin)
6 on forehead
3 on chin
8 on hands and wrists
4 on knees
2 on chest
The back is by far the most common area for the grid marks to occur at 47% of the time. That's nearly half the time a grid mark is likely to occur on the back. 25.6% are located in the mid-center of the back. Other areas of note are the upper right arm and right shoulder (11.1%), the buttocks (9.4%), the upper left arm and shoulder (8.5%), and the head (7.7%). The hands and wrists (6.8%), knees (3.4%), and chest (1.7%) come in as minor, yet significant, congregations of marks.
What is significant about the back? There are more large muscles in the back than any other area of the body.
What does this tell us about the RGMP? There may yet be a relationship to heat generation in the body.
"Over two-thirds of the heat generated in a resting human is created by
- the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities and
- the brain (which contributes 16% of the total — about the same as all our skeletal muscles when they are at rest)." Courtesy Kimball's Biology Pages online.
I've already established that the majority of grid marks appear while the person is sleeping, and that the area where the mark appeared was exposed to air or otherwise facing upward away from the bed (where heat would build). The Better Sleep Council found that 41% of participants in their survey sleep in the fetal position (on the side, with legs curled in; Source). 15% were called 'log sleepers', or people who sleep straight-legged on their side. Another 13% sleep on their sides in what's called the 'yearner's position' with their arm stretched under something or someone. An additional 7% sleep on their stomachs. That leaves only 13% of people in this study who sleep on their back. If excess heat generated in the abdominal cavity were to be released in any of these side or stomach positions, it would make sense for the heat to escape out the back. In fact, every area where excess heat would build up is completely devoid of grid mark appearances: groin, under knees and connected areas (back of thighs, top of calves), nape of neck, underarms, front abdomen, inner thighs, inner legs, and sides. The places where marks have appeared make sense for heat release.
These findings do not determine what would cause an excess of heat to build up. Some people have intense dreams, a few were in the heat of the day, some report sweating, a few others report an activity where heat was a natural byproduct. This also does not explain why the release would create a symmetrical grid. There is clearly an internal force being applied outward, or an outside force pulling outward, but what remains to be seen. Furthermore, I wish to identify the number (as yet undefined) of experiencers who had an intense vivid dream, encounter, or unusually deep sleep the night of their mark's appearance. Could these events of consciousness inspire our inner selves the ability to focus our energy at a spot in our body, generating enough excess heat as to produce a grid mark?
Next in Series: Locations of Experiencers Around the World
If you or someone you know have experienced the RGMP, please contact our investigative team by using the contact form in the right-hand column of this website. We also ask you fill out a General Info Collection Form here to help us expedite the process and get to the details of your case.
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